
Cleaning memory on the phone - a few simplest ways

Cleaning memory on the phone - a few simplest ways

Czyszczenie pamięci w telefonie — co warto wiedzieć?

Memory cleaning in the phone is very simple and we can use the application of third -party companies.We recommend such popular applications as CCleaner, Clean Master, as well as an application created directly by the Android manufacturer called "Files by Google".Thanks to their friendly interface, we will quickly find ourselves in their functions and slow down the needed place and frame memory.

If you just want to turn off the running applications, depending on the smartphone we have, the method for starting the displaying menu available for running applications will be slightly different.

Reguła do jego uruchomienia zwykle jest bardzo podobna — wykonując odpowiedni gest lub naciskając odpowiedni przycisk na dolnej krawędzi ekranu, możemy wywołać ekran menadżera aplikacji, by powyłączać te, z których już dłużej nie będziemy korzystać lub przełączać się między nimi.

Applications can also often work in the background to download messages and notifications that come to us.Removing unnecessary applications should give our smartphone some breath, and in some cases even extend his battery life.

How to clean your phone's memory to get a free place?

Czyszczenie pamięci w telefonie - kilka najprostszych sposobów

If you have a lot of photos or videos recorded on the phone, it is worth transferring them to another device to make room for new multimedia, applications or system updates.

Multimedia can be lost to a computer hard disk, using the connection using a USB cable.We can also use the photo storage service in the cloud, such as Google Photos.This application allows free storage of data in the cloud on our Google account, as long as our photos are in size more than 16 Mpix.

If you want to check what applications take place on the disk of our smartphone, go to the settings panel, and then search for a list of installed applications.Each smartphone has this type of panel in a slightly different place (due to the manufacturer's caps), but certainly we can easily find it with the help of the search engine in the settings menu.

In some cases, the disk space is not so much the application as it downloaded by temporary files stored in Cache memory.Entering the application settings menu on the list of installed applications, it should give us an insight into the amount of place taken through the temporary memory of a given application, as well as the possibility of removing it.

If the system of our device seems to work unstable, you can also try more "old -fashioned" methods to restore its efficiency through the device restart.

There are a situation in which the system can cease to be responsive due to the error caused by the application operating in the background, unable to bore the update or other random problem.Restart of the device can sometimes do a lot of good for the general condition of the system.

Here are the easiest ways to clean memory on your phone.If you need more information about the system operation in your smartphone or optimal storage of files, look at our other guides:

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