
Do you have an Android phone?Here are 5 tricks that you need to know

Do you have an Android phone?Here are 5 tricks that you need to know

I deliberately chose such solutions that are not related to individual manufacturers' overlays and which also work on older versions of the system.These tricks should therefore operate on most Android smartphones available on the market.

Change the size of Google maps with one hand

Główna metoda regulowania rozmiaru wyświetlanych na ekranie obiektów — w tym Map — to gest uszczypnięcia.It is not easy to do it without the help of a second hand, but there is a way to do it.

Wystarczy stuknąć dwukrotnie w ekran i — bez odrywania palca po drugim tapnięciu — przesunąć palec w górę lub w dół.

Interestingly, this method also works in external applications that operate on the Google Map engine, such as Uber or The Witcher: monster slaughter.

Choose the last number with one click

Most users wanting to call the person they have recently talked to, opens the dialer, then go to the history of calls and chooses a specific number.However, there is a simpler way to do it.

Masz telefon z Androidem? Oto 5 trików, które musisz znać

After opening the dialer, just click the button with the handset.The recently used number will appear on the screen.

Many smartphone manufacturers use proprietary phone applications, but this function also works with alternatives to Google application.

Do not download memes, just copy them

Before sending a friend found on the network, you download them on the phone?This can be done more conveniently, and by the way do not litter the smartphone with files, which after a few months can clog all memory.

The GBOARD keyboard created by Google has the function of rapidly pasting photos.You just have to choose the "Copy image" option in the browser, and this one will appear on the hint bar.

Gboard is not a default keyboard on all Android smartphones.On some you have to download it yourself from the Play Store.

Faster way to copy/paste

Opening one application, selecting the text, copying it, opening the other application and manually pasteing is an unnecessary combination.Especially when you have more than one fragment to copy.

The easiest way is to launch two applications in a split screen mode, select the text in one window and drag it to the second app.

This method reduces clicks to a minimum.

Place shortcuts for the application on the desktop

Many Android applications have special shortcuts for individual sections and functions that are displayed after holding the program icon.

However, not everyone knows that all shortcuts can be placed directly on the desktop.If someone uses only individual application functions, the shortcuts will save him unnecessary click.

Do you know any cool android tricks?You can boldly share them in the comments.

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