
Hey, Apple!When Siri in Polish?

Hey, Apple!When Siri in Polish?

The office in Ireland hired new employees who were fluent in Croatian, Czech, Flemish, Croatian, Czech, Flemish, Greek, Hungarian, Romanian, Slovak, Ukrainian or Polish.In turn, the Apple office in Singapore employs people who are fluent in Indonesian and Vietnamese.They were to be responsible for the appropriate voice assistant training in the field of communication.In other words, understanding cultural nuances for a given language.Does this mean in practice that we can expect Siri in Polish soon?

Numerous forecasts and speculations have appeared in our country.Hopes grew with each subsequent month.Today we have June 2021, is it time to expect specific information from Apple about Siri in Polish?Certainly our expectations for this brand do not decrease, and even grow.

Apple voice assistant, perhaps currently is the best known next to Google assistant.However, Siri is older because he appeared in 2011.

Currently, Siri assistant is available in over 20 languages.Smaller European countries usually do not have native language options for voice assistants.However, new Apple job offers suggested that Siri may soon serve subsequent languages, including our Polish.For many commentators, this situation seemed clear that we would have our own version of Siri.

While waiting for Siri in Polish, on the market of digital assistants you can see several important trends that shape the development of voice assistants.They make our expectations of new updates higher.

The popularity of voice assistants has been growing for several years and does not slow down.Statistica reports that by 2025 there will be 8.4 billion devices with a built -in digital assistant.And the voice assistant market will be worth $ 27.16 trillion.

Big Data and the development of artificial intelligence

The dynamically developing industry of artificial intelligence is firmly fits in.The development of appropriate functionality for a voice assistant has become feasible and possible thanks to several important technological achievements.

Big Data integration and artificial intelligence algorithms allowed to take a pioneering development direction.The new technological branch has enabled the development of applications rules that could not be obtained in a traditional approach to programming.First of all, thanks to the huge amount of data that flows to the Internet every day, the algorithms refine the patterns responsible for the increasingly better effectiveness of voice assistants.Google certainly benefits from such information wealth.

Thanks to the integration of NLP (Natural Language Processing), statistical rules, technology and a huge database, the algorithm is capable of recognizing differences in inflection, intonation, pronunciation, and grammar nuances.The algorithm is becoming more and more sensitive to a wide range of accents and speech defects.

Glossary: (NLP is in the field of linguistics, computer science and artificial intelligence dealing with interactions between computers and human languages. The main challenges in NLP are speech recognition, language understanding, and generating it.)

Imperfections of voice assistants

Hej, Apple! Kiedy Siri po Polsku?

What has been preventing many Internet users so far from regularly using a voice assistant is his unreliability.Regional accents and speech defects can interfere with words recognizing, and the noise in the background can be difficult to filter through the algorithm.

This situation was met by Apple, which was the first in 2011 to forbid Siri voice assistant.Many users expressed frustration in response to the poor ability to properly understand and interpret voice commands.

Where do language skills come from?

The assistant accuracy is influenced by many factors such as background noise, the occurrence of words and specific terminology.These factors make accuracy difficult to achieve.

People learn to recognize language since childhood.First listening to my mother's speech.Her inflection, intonation, pronunciation.The brain then creates patterns and connections based on how parents use the language.Over time, many contexts of using a given phrase become automatically bright for us.

Machine learning algorithms also need proper training.However, they require much more various examples, which best contain all possible situations, all possible grammar varieties, noise, contexts.Therefore, the use of new technologies and a huge database is necessary to properly adapt the algorithm to the nuances occurring in a given language.

Hence, not all languages and regions have their version.

What functionalities of the voice assistant convince us to use them regularly.

Along the world, along with the dynamic development of machine learning, there is also more and more connected devices in which voice recognition is a key function.

In practice, it turns out that voice introduction is simply a more efficient form of data processing: a person can say an average of 200 words per minute, but he can only write 60. He is also more natural, which requires less effort.

What can be said about ourselves is the fact that we are becoming more and more busy.We must be more effective, faster, more effective.Technologies that support us are becoming more and more popular.

I have chosen a voice message more than once.Everything is heading towards functionalities that are more natural and more convenient to process content.So how long will we use fingers to cut messages?

Communication with the assistant is part of this trend.

In addition, virtual assistants should not be perceived as a gadget for private people.Entrepreneurs can also use it effectively.For example, a virtual assistant can act as an available assistant with encyclopedic knowledge.Virtual assistants save time thanks to the automation of such activities as organization of meetings, checking in warehouse, information verification, reading messages while the entrepreneur deals with something else.

There are sectors in which the voice is the only possible way of communication, generally, allows both hands and eyesight, for another important activity performed in parallel.

What can you expect from Siri assistant in Polish?

Higher expectations for Apple.

In addition to Apple, other brands such as Google Voice, Amazon Alexa, Microsoft Cortana are developing very dynamically on the market of voice assistants.Google algorithms offer Polish users a Polish version of the assistant.At the moment, they are able to recognize the context, a variety in the singular, multiple, varieties by cases, synonyms.Communication between the user and the algorithm, in order to functional equipment management, requires a precise recognition of various varieties that are commonly used in Polish.

Will Siri be able to catch up with a leading competitor?Will Google be able to stay on the podium?

All the latest data and statistical forecasts indicate that the Google assistant will further strengthen his leader's position on the voice assistant market.

According to Ovum, by 2024 Google Assistant will dominate the market of devices serving voice artificial intelligence with 23.3%market share, followed by Samsung Bixby (14.5%), Siri from Apple (13.1%), Alexa Amazon(3.9%) and Microsoft Cortana (2.3%).

Google boasts that since May 2017 its machine learning algorithms have reached the correctness indicator of 95% in English.This is currently the highest accuracy among all voice assistants.In other words, the error indicator is calculated at 4.9%, which makes Google the first of the group, which fell below the 5%threshold.This makes him almost as effective as a man, in recognizing the language.

Google has set the bar very high in the field of language support and the availability of various functionalities for a voice assistant.Apple will have to do much better if it wants to expand the Siri market share.

What Siri makes special is access to the assistant throughout the Ecosystem proposed by Apple.Ergonomics and functionality, the whole system is what prompts users to invest in Apple devices.The entire Apple ecosystem makes Siri wherever the user.On the way, at home, and for some, literally on the body.It gives Apple a huge advantage.

Among other things, for this ergonomics, iOS users are still waiting for Siri in Polish.

Users expect that the new option in Polish will be at least as well recognized as in other languages.

Many factors hinder the satisfactory development of voice assistants in Polish.I mean the complexities of Polish grammar.Let's also remember about the standards for which Apple is famous for.The goals and values that made her special compared to other rapidly developing giants.

Digital experiences that virtual assistants provide us with are currently considered one of the most important technological achievements.The most promising consumer trends.Time will show how the market situation will change along with subsequent improvements and updates of various systems.

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TEMATY siri siri po polsku

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