
Transfer from Android to iPhone - we transfer photos and data

Transfer from Android to iPhone - we transfer photos and data

Moving data from well -known android to iOS is not a new phenomenon, but it still raises many questions.However, if we make sure that the whole procedure is meticulously carried out, step by step, this process should run smoothly.

Transferring data from Android to iPhone step by step:

1.Take care of good internet.When starting the iPhone, you need to be sure that the network connection is certain and good, so you should use Wi-Fi from a home or office wireless network. Postawienie na mobilny internet nie jest najlepszym pomysłem — istnieje większe prawdopodobieństwo zerwania sygnału.

2.Make sure you know the login and password for the Android account.I am talking about the so -called Google account, which in practice simply means logging in to the Gmail account.Using it on this system can be successfully taken for the so -called certainty.

Przesiadka z Androida na iPhone - przenosimy zdjęcia i dane

3. Poczekaj, aż dane — kontakty, poczta, kalendarz i notatki przeniosą się automatycznie.This will happen when you provide your login details on Gmail.

4.Create a free AppStore account.This is a standard procedure after we go to the new iPhone, which allows the use of the application store (in Android it was Google Play).If we plan to download paid or use subscription, then simply enter the number of our payment card while completing the data.

Moving photos and videos

Undoubtedly, the easiest way to make our photos and videos appear on the new iPhone is to use the Google photo application.Just select the photo synchronization option to send them to the cloud.The next step is its installation for the iPhone and ready.How long does the synchronization process take?It all depends on how many files we have.And what if we care about having a copy of the originals?It is enough that we connect the old Android to the PC or Apple and lose them to the disk.

Finishing moving our photos and videos, make sure they are visible in the application and if so, then we can successfully transfer the SIM card to our iPhone and start your adventure with iOS.

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