
Apple ogłasza darmową naprawę iPhone’a 12. Zgłoś się, jeśli masz ten problem

Apple ogłasza darmową naprawę iPhone’a 12. Zgłoś się, jeśli masz ten problem

Masz iPhone 12 lub 12 Pro, ale nie wszystko działa w nim jak należy? Skorzystaj z darmowego programu naprawczego odApple! Jak to zrobić?Apple ogłasza darmową naprawę iPhone’a 12. Zgłoś się, jeśli masz ten problem

Since the premiere of the iPhones from the 12 series has been over a year - at that time some users have noticed speakers problems in their smartphones - it is a serious disadvantage, causing a problem with emitting any sound.

It turns out that a small part of the smartphones is affected by the fault of this element.Apple does not hide his head in the sand and announces a free repair program, dedicated to the owners of these two iPhone models.The manufacturer will cover all the cost of repairing your smartphone.

IPhone 12 repair for free

Damage concerns the iPhones produced between October 2020 and April this year.If your iPhone 12 also suffers from a similar defect, you can already go to the service for free repair (the problem does not apply to the iPhone 12 mini and iPhone 12 Pro Max).


We will use the service program around the world - we have time to repair the iPhone for two years after its purchase, and before the service it is necessary to make a backup of the data.Unfortunately, there is a hook:

If your iPhone 12 or iPhone 12 Pro has any damage that hinders repair, such as a cracked screen, this problem will have to be solved before the service.In some cases, there may be a cost associated with additional repair.

– czytamy w oświadczeniuApple.

So it may turn out that instead of a free service you will get a large bill for repairing other damage, or using the thread program.It is worth keeping this in mind.

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