
How to make a screenshot in Android

How to make a screenshot in Android

Android jako system operacyjny od wielu lat wspiera natywne wykonywanie zrzutu ekranu. Większość urządzeń, które mają kilka lat lub mniej posiada możliwość wykonania screenshot'a za pomocą przytrzymania przycisku zasilania oraz zmniejszania głośności.Jak wykonać zrzut ekranu w Androidzie

The screen should fuse and the notification on the screen will inform the user that the screenshot has been made and is in the system gallery.

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In the event that the method with the power button and reducing volume does not work, other keys can also be used.In older devices that have physical navigation buttons, we recommend using the Home button and reducing volume or power.

Unfortunately, in pursuit of innovation and modernity, some producers completely forget about utility and practicality.

You need to know that the first devices are already appearing on the market that do not have physical buttons for volume control, which can be a problem when trying to screens.

Another problem is that some new smartphones, such as Samsung Galaxy Note 10 or iPhone X and newer ones do not have the function of easy switching off the device.Holding the power button in these models will launch a dedicated voice assistant Bixby and Siri respectively.Only holding the power button and reducing the volume will start the menu from the level of which the phone can be turned off.

For this reason, we present some alternative methods to make a screenshot in Android.

Ask the Google assistant to make a screenshot for you

Smartphones are becoming more efficient from year to year and their software is smarter.We lived to the times when even special neural processors used for AI calculations have the most expensive devices.Making a screenshot is a seemingly simple activity, but not everyone knows that it can be carried out using the appropriate command for the Google assistant.

In the event that the Google assistant is configured on the device where you want to make a screenshot, just wake it up with the "Okey Google" or other abbreviation, if it was set by the user.

Google assistant configurations can be carried out using Google Home.Appropriate settings can be found in the assistant section.

If the Voice Match function is enabled, just say "Okay Google, make a screenshot" and the assistant will make a screenshot automatically.

Use gestures

Some manufacturers allow you to make a screenshot with a hand waving gesture, but most often this option must be activated in advance.

Odpowiedni przełącznik znajduje się w Ustawieniach > Zaawansowane funkcje > Przeciągnij dłonią, aby przechwycić.Alternatively, you can try to search for the "Screenshot" password in the search engine within the settings (if it is available).

For example, Samsung allows you to make a screenshot with a hand drag on the screen.Xiaomi solved it differently and the screenshot in MIUI is performed by shifting the screen from top to bottom with three fingers at the same time.

Use the appropriate shortcut in the user interface

Sometimes manufacturers add the possibility of making a screenshot using the appropriate button in the user interface.It is most often placed in the power supply options menu after temporarily holding the power button or on the developed notification bar.

In some devices working under the control of the Android operating system version 9.0 Pie or newer you can make a screenshot after pressing and holding the power button.However, this option is only available on equipment working under the control of an almost unmodified Android system.It is not available, for example, on Samsung devices working under the control of the ONI overlay.

How to record a screen in Android?

Android devices are more and more common, which have the option to record the screen implemented by the manufacturer in the original system overlay.Before downloading a dedicated application.

If the manufacturer did not predict the screen recording anything lost.Just go to the Play Store and download one of many applications that has such functionality.We recommend a screen recorder.This is a free program that has an easy -to -use interface, but you have to remember that there are dozens of similar applications.

After installing the appropriate application.The obtained video recording can be edited using a built -in video editor in the phone to properly cut the starting point and end.

XRecorder is another popular application for video recording.

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