
iPhone - screen recording from Acethinker iPhone Screen Recorder

iPhone - screen recording from Acethinker iPhone Screen Recorder

iPhone nie umożliwia nagrywania ekranu z użyciem aplikacji czy wbudowanej funkcji w system. Jest to możliwe w grach oraz z użyciem programu QuickTime na komputerach Mac. Tymczasem z pomocą przychodzi program Acethinker iPhone Screen Recorder, który umożliwia nagrywanie ekranu iPhone’a poprzez AirPlay. Także na komputerach z Windows. Niestety, rozwiązanie to ma też swoje wady.iPhone – nagrywanie ekranu z Acethinker iPhone Screen Recorder

Recording an iPhone screen is possible on MacOS computers.This can be done using the QuickTime program.In the case of machines with Windows, there is no such possibility, but the Acethinker IPhone Screen Recorder from Apowersoft comes to the rescue.In this article, we looked closely at the capabilities of this software.And although he really has a lot of advantages, there are also some important disadvantages.

ACETHINker iPhone Screen Recorder allows you to record a screen via AirPlay

The Apowersoft program is very convenient to use and at the beginning it is worth mentioning that it allows you to record a screen and up to iOS on both Mac and Windows.We tested the MacOS variant.

Acethinker iPhone Screen Recorder needs to be installed and started.In this way, the computer becomes a receiver for AirPlay.Like Apple TV.In the iPhone, enter the control center and select the AirPlay cloning option.A list will come out, where you should choose the option with the name starting with the word Apowersoft.After a while on the computer screen you will see a window with your own screen, as in the screen screenshot below.

Pressing the Start button will start the video recording process.Clicking the same button will stop the recording process and save the file with the film in the selected location (you can change it in the settings).Acethinker iPhone Screen Recorder also allows you to create screenshots from the computer.The button is used next to the screen recording control.

On the plus side, the program offers a Polish interface and is very easy to use.Every layman will find himself here.A plus is also the lack of the need to use cables, which is necessary when recording video using Quicktime on Mac.

Unfortunately, the recordings of the Acethinker IPhone Screen Recorder allow you to be much to be desired in terms of quality.Movies generated by the program are simply poor.The image is out of blur, which you can see in the screenshot below with a recorded film launched in the VLC program.Despite the fact that the settings have 720p and 1080p options, after choosing any of them is the same.

This excludes Apowersoft software for professional applications.You will not record the screen and the film for the movie on YouTube.In this way, you can only record simple videos, for example with instructions, where we will explain to someone how to do something in iOS.The second downside is the price.The program costs up to $ 29.99 and this is the price after a reduction.The decision related to the purchase belongs to you.As we have already mentioned, for the simple recordings of the ACETHINker IPHONE Screen Recorder, it certainly can't be, but this is not a software that you will use in a professional way.The program is available here.

+ Simple and intuitive interface + iphone screen recording in Windows and MacOS + Simple IOS screenshot creation on your computer + recording without using cables

- quite high price - poor quality recordings, which excludes the program from professional applications

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