
Jobs created the machine, but the numbers do not lie: the cook more effectively turns it into money

Jobs created the machine, but the numbers do not lie: the cook more effectively turns it into money

Nevertheless, Cook is lacking: in 2011, i.e. in the year of Jobs's garbage, nearly half of the company's income came from the sale of the iPhone;Today, ¾ profits ensure the sale of devices that have been created in the last 10 years.On August 24, on the day of the 10th anniversary of taking up the position, the new-old president could say that at that time he raised the company's annual income from 108 to 274 billion, and the entire undertaking, the so-calledApple Economy has increased seven times.

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As commentators emphasize, during their presidency, Cook perfectly sensed and used world trends associated with one of the peak moments of globalization, which, as speculated, weakens or ends because A creeping economic crisis caused by an epidemic. Of course, this applies to the sales and the many years of processing of Apple transformation into a global brand (every seventh person in the world uses an iPhone), at the same time not to an equal, but even greater extent, it refers to the chain of component and technology suppliers, presumably the most efficiently organized network of this type of network In the world, in which over 200 companies participate, retail in the annual report. However, it ends; Both in China, in which Apple has been noticing sales for years, incomparable to any place in the world, as in the OECD countries, appropriate decisions have already been made - their effect will be the decrease in income of over- and international companies next year, which will also be forced to pay higher taxes.

We are also probably waiting for a fundamental change in the Apple Store, which will lose the monopoly on the sale of games and applications for iOS.And the Apple Store in today's shape is to a large extent the creation of Cook, Jobs has not seen in this important direction of development.Looking at profits, not the number of applications, Apple Store is the largest software store, proposing 2 million applications, for which users paid developers $ 643 billion last year.The judgment on Epic Games, which created "Fortnite" and sued Apple for depriving iOS users of direct purchase from the creator, will be announced at the end of the year - analysts guess that Apple will win, but presumably only in the USA.

Jobs stworzył maszynę, ale liczby nie kłamią: Cook skuteczniej obraca ją w pieniądz

Źródłem kłopotów będzie też przypuszczalnie sprawa procesorów i ogólniej: miejsc produkcji; nowe amerykańskie regulacje wymagają zwiększenia udziału rodzimych dostawców (co już w dużym stopniu nastąpiło), ale kluczowy producent, czyli tajwański TMSC (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited) jest niechętny wobec pomysłu przeniesienia produkcji do USA. Pomimo niedawnej, ale zauważmy: dopiero pierwszej, rozmowy Joe Bidena z Xi Jinpingiem, relacje z Chinami pozostają kiepskie, co wpływa na rolę 51 dostawców z Państwa Środka. Na początku 2021 roku pojawiły się też informacje, że w chińskim odcinku dostawców Apple biorą udział fabryki pracy przymusowej dla Ujgurów, chińskich muzułmanów. Firma najpierw nie odpowiadała na oficjalne pytania dziennikarzy, potem twierdziła, że nie ma dowodów – w przeszłości regularnie zapewniała, że dba o prawa pracownicze nie tylko w USA. Sprawa jest skomplikowana, stąd zapewne milczenie oraz uniki: podejrzenie o ciche przyzwolenie na łamanie praw człowieka w Chinach bardzo źle wygląda u zachodnich konsumentów, z kolei jakakolwiek wypowiedź na temat Ujgurów, może przynieść natychmiastowe kłopoty na terytorium Chin. Doświadczyli tego Szwedzi z H&M, których wątpliwości w sprawie Ujgurów szyjących ubrania spowodowały oficjalny bojkot ubrań sygnowanych dwoma literami. W ten sposób H&M dołączyło do większego, całkiem wyrafinowanego towarzystwa (Burberry, Adidas, Nike, New Balance, Zara), o których China Central Television mówi otwarcie: „Don’t buy!”, dodając ustami ministra Gao Fenga, że wszystkie te podejrzenia są kompletną fikcją.

Czytaj dalej poniżej

Cook announces - not very precisely, but still - your resignation in about 5 years.What is he preparing and how does he intend to answer problems? One answer we already know: more subscriptions that will balance losses and taxes.There will also probably be - Igasses (even in PR

from a year) and ICars (maybe in 2024).It is hard not to appreciate pure progress in every generation of the phone: if the cook had the latest phone when he started working in the position, it was an iPhone 4S;The debuting iPhone 13 is 50 times faster.

Apple is also to attract social, environmental and political responsibility;He sensed this direction in 2013, when he hired Lisa Jackson, who managed the Environmental Protection Agency in the administration of Barack Obama.In Apple, the range of her duties is much broader: from supervising the process to the company's zero -emission in 2030, through racial, economic and educational problems - to the reform of criminal law.

The most interesting matter of privacy is - enabling iPhone users to turn off Facebook was a considerable event and hit the Zuckerberg wallet, which some of their clients cannot show the appropriate ads.And this is how it looks officially: Apple is to attract the possibility of better control over its data.At the same time, analysts say that it is about something more and more important, about breaking the current silent pact, according to which the largest, Apple, Microsoft, Google, Amazon and Facebook - like respecting gangs - do not enter their area.Apple did not have and did not try to create a search engine or social network.There was in fact in this quintet.However, the market and possibilities are decreasing.The result of the clash of iglasses with what Microsoft already has is difficult to predict, entering Tesla - at least breakneck.There are also rumors about your own search engine.

Sources: 1, 2,3,4, The Economist, 28.08.2021

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