
Repair of damaged Face ID on iPhone X XS XS max 11 Pro 11 Pro max 12 12 mini 12 Pro - iPhone Szczecin website - applemobile.pl

Repair of damaged Face ID on iPhone X XS XS max 11 Pro 11 Pro max 12 12 mini 12 Pro - iPhone Szczecin website - applemobile.pl

 FACE ID repair in the iPhone is a service that is performed on our website more and more often.All because the first phone from Face ID appeared on the market 3 years ago, and the popularity of the iPhone X and its successors are very high.The high costs of repairing this device mean that more and more people try to remove faults on their own.However, the complexity of the iPhone X and newer is so large that during the opening itself is about damage, until recently irreversible.Here we appear.

Face ID is a face detection technology.This is one of the methods of biometric protection of access to the device.In the case of Apple, it is necessary to honestly admit that the most advanced of all facial recognition systems offered by smartphone manufacturers.

Romeo and Julia in your iPhone

The face recognition system consists of many elements involved in the projection and recognition of biometric characteristics.These elements make up the so -called two FLEX modules.The first and most important is Dot Projector, whose task is to apply over 30,000 points to a scanned face, the so -called Romeo module.

On the other hand, the infrared camera is Julia, which is responsible for the reading of the location of dots imposed by the projector from our face, on the basis of which the map of our face is created.

This map is then compared with the "matrix" of the face, which we add during the Face ID configuration.

The matrix is stored in safe memory, the so -called Secure Enclave in the processor.For the proper work of Romeo and Julia, you also need a light sensor, proximity sensor and of course the camera.

The engineers called the elements of the Face ID Romo and Julia system, because, as in the case of the love of those two who could not live without each other, similarly the elements of the face ID system are permanently paired and it is not possible to replace them with others.They are with each other "to death and life" :-).

In practice, this means that if at least one of the elements of Romeo and Julia and support elements are damaged, then despite replacing one of them with a new and efficient, the FACE ID function will not work properly anyway.

This does not mean, however, that face ID cannot be repaired.On the Applemobile website in Szczecin, you can restore Face ID to act in all iPhone models.We repair the face ID from the iPhone X model to iPhone 12 pro max inclusive.

Jakie usterki Face ID naprawiamy?

Urwana taśma Face ID? Napraw Face ID w APPlEMOBILE.Pl

The most common factor of the Face ID system that comes to the mechanical breaking of face ID tape, specifically with a proximity sensor (Proximity Sensor), brightness detection sensor (Flood Illuminator), conversation speaker and a face time microphone.

Repair of damaged Face ID on iPhone x xs xs max 11 11 pro max 12 12 Mini 12 Pro - Serwis iPhone Szczecin - AppleMobile.pl

Inadequate disassembly of the screen in the iPhones with the Face ID system makes the thin and extremely delicate Flex tape interrupted.

As I mentioned, this tape is part of the Romeo and Julia system.If it is damaged, even installing a new and original one, it will not restore us to the operation of the face ID function.

Replacing the mentioned Face ID tape will only allow the phone to use, i.e..The conversation speaker, proximity sensor or lighting sensor will return to operation (provided that the screen is programmed and calibrated).On our website you can fix the broken face ID tape and restore the face ID face recognition function in every iPhone phone.About this in the next paragraph.

Repair of Face ID tape while maintaining a face ID face recognition function

In the case of mechanical damage to the flex tape.To do this, you should not only replace the entire FLEX module with a new one and what is important original, but also translate (low -temperature surface soldering) Prximity Sensor and Flood Illuminator from the old damaged tape to new.

The Face ID repair service in your iPhone X xs xs max 11 11 pro max 12 mini 12 pro and XR will be made on applemobile.Pl

We also have a V1S programmer that allows you to program a new proximity tape to restore Face ID also if you do not have the original tape or it has been damaged.More in the film below:

Damaged tape with a Proximity Sensor sensor usually causes a problem with starting the phone.If your phone hangs on the apple logo and is restarting not wanting to join, it is very likely that the tape has been damaged - as a result of liquid interference or mechanical damage. O sposobach i możliwościach naprawy taśmy proximity z zachowaniem face id napisaliśmy tutaj >

Repair the problem Place the iPhone slightly lower in Face ID iPhone

Unfortunately, but in addition to mechanical damage, the TrueDepth camera fails.

This is manifested by the fact that when creating a face matrix that the phone is to recognize, it is not possible to add it, because the phone still informs about the phone to put a little higher or slightly higher or move from each other at least to 20 to 50 centimeters.

Jeżeli mimo postępowania w zgodzie ze wskazówkami wyświetlonymi w kreatorze dodawania twarzy, jej dodanie nie jest możliwe, najpewniej masz uszkodzony któryś z elementów Romeo & Juliet.Most often there is a failure of Dot Projector - a dot projector.It is an element that projections over 30,000 lighting points on your face, on the basis of which the infrared camera creates an individual face map. Serwis APPlEMOBILE.Pl oferuje naprawę uszkodzonych projektorów kropek.If you see messages on your phone:

You probably have a damaged dot projector.You can read more about the diagnosis and repair of the dot projector in our article Repair Face ID iPhone 12/11 / xs / x / xr - can you fix the face ID in an iPhone with a message "Place the iPhone a little lower"?

Remember!The manufacturer's service does not offer repair of this functionality.The only option is to replace the device entirely as part of the device replacement program free of defects.If you are interested in the program and the implementation of the device replacement by us, we encourage you to contact us to learn about the details.

This message appears most often in the event of damage to the electronics of the face ID module with a dot projector.In this case, it is necessary to replace the Tasma Flex Dot Projector with the translation of the digital system and re -rectical rectus of the pocketist crystal so that the projection of dots on our face coincides with the sensor recognizing the map of our face.

Made incorrectly, although an inexperienced technician will even fold the sensor correctly, our face will not be recognized anyway, because the map will go down with the projection.That is why it is so important that the Repair of Face ID is carried out not only by a qualified, but above all experienced technician.

Only then do we have a guarantee that our ID will work exactly as efficiently as before the fault arises.

Jeżeli masz uszkodzony sprzęt Apple, to serdecznie zapraszamy do naszego serwisu APPlEMOBILE.Pl w Szczecinie.Our point is located at Wojska Polskiego 50 (entrance from Jagiellońska 84, in a corner tenement house). LCD w naszych wyświetlaczach zawsze jest oryginalne APPlE.We do not use cheap, poor Chinese substitutes.We always provide a guarantee.

The screen repair in the iPhone is made immediately in 20 minutes!

APPlEMOBILE.Pl🗺 Wojska Polskiego 50/U9 (wejście od strony Jagiellońskiej 84, obok Columbus Cafe)70-475 Szczecin☎️ 500 132 200☎️ 889 277 288http://serwis.applemobile.pl@ service (monkey) applemobile.pl


Since the beginning of our activity. Wystarczy wypełnić > formularz zgłoszeniowy naprawy wysyłkowej na naszej stronie , wypełnić wszystkie pola zgodnie z prawdą, zapisać, a na ekranie pojawi się możliwość zamówienia kuriera, który przyjedzie i zabierze uszkodzony telefon, a następnie zwróci go pod wskazany adres.Payment is taken into account at the courier.

The repair time of the Face ID by mail order is about 1-2 business days.We try to implement repairs quickly and efficiently.Each shipment is insured, so you don't have to worry that something at the transport stage will happen to your device!We care about the quality of repairs and safe transport of each parcel!

Repair of damaged Face ID on iPhone x xs xs max 11 11 pro max

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