
Soon Google's assistant will listen to you even in the bedroom.And you will be grateful for that

Soon Google's assistant will listen to you even in the bedroom.And you will be grateful for that

Quick Phrases is a new way of interaction that will gain aGoogle assistant.Now you will set the alarm clock, create a note and answer the phone without saying "HeyGoogle".Here is a full list of commands.

Google assistant already allows you to use an Android phone without touching it in most scenarios.Understands Polish and allows a lot.Together with Android 12, a new feature will appear that will make our lives even easier.The question is - now we finally agree to give the remains of privacy?

Google has a Quick Phrases function for us (I intentionally do not explain it, the Polish branch has definitely a name for her).In a nutshell - this is a list of scenarios in which the use of the phrase "HeyGoogle" will not be necessary to callGoogle assistant.The full list (based on the analysis from 9to5gogle) can be found below.

Już niedługo AsystentGoogle będzie słuchał Cię nawet w sypialni. I będziesz mu za to wdzięczny


AsystentGoogle – lista komend, które nie wymagają frazy „HejGoogle”:

Yes, it means that your smartphone - if you decide to activate the Quick Phrases function - will listen to your voice much more often. Pytanie, czy utrata złudzenia prywatności jest dla Ciebie warta wygody korzystania z AsystentaGoogle bez aktywującej go frazy.

There is a good chance that the function will go to your smartphone before the premiere of Android 12. Jeśli chciałbyś od razu się nią cieszyć, to nie pozostaje nic innego, niż zakupGoogle Pixel 6.It just so happens that today we got 100% confirmation of its price.It's really good - may Polish importers have similar plans.

Nie dość, żeGoogle Pixel 6 ma niewiarygodnie niską cenę, to w przedsprzedaży dostaniesz drogi prezent

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