
Production loses its value without electronics

Production loses its value without electronics

There is no area of production and services in practice today - whether for the needs of consumers or other types of production - whose value would not depend to a large extent on electronic components. Półprzewodniki, popularnie zwane chipami, zajmują się w tych produktach wszystkim: od ich zaprojektowania, wyprodukowania, sprawdzenia, zmagazynowania, sprzedania, transportu po zapewnienie sprawnego użytkowania, a na końcu ich utylizację.

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Where are the chips?Oversea

Wszędzie są chipy, coraz więcej chipów. Błyskawicznie rozwijający się Internet Rzeczy, który pozwala m.in.Automation of designpercentesses, production and supports use - and nobody wants to use technologically outdated cars, telephones or TVs - it has been stimulated for several years with more and more global demand for chips. Na to nałożył się wybuch pandemii koronawirusa, która przecięła wiele więzi kooperacyjnych i zachwiała porządkiem w całym poukładanym wcześniej świecie związków gospodarczych i zależności.

The most painfully for everyone was affected by the production and supplies needed throughout the world chips.Most of the new solutions in this area are created in the USA, but the production of semiconductors itself is located primarily in Asian countries.As many as 83 percent are produced in modern Taiwan and South Korea factories.processors and as much as 70 percent.semiconductor memory.Their use is based on its production and export of industrial, telecommunications and consumer electronics (ICT), the industry of China, Japan, Korea and other East Asian countries.Without them, other production and service industries cannot be done - in the USA, Europe and the whole world.

Culprit in cars

Pierwszą ofiarą, ale zarazem winowajcą kryzysu spowodowanego przez pandemię stał się przemysł motoryzacyjny.Restrictions on several months in moving in the first half of 2020.caused a decrease in demand for new cars.Car manufacturers, working in the Regor Just-in-Time and not having large warehouses and squares for ready-made cars, then limited the production and shopping of chip in Asia.And so it wouldn't be like transporting them to Europe and the US.

Korean and Taiwan chip manufacturers coped with this turmoil and quickly switched to supplying consumer electronics producers, for which the demand in the world along with the spread of remote work mode began to increase rapidly at the same time.Consumers detained in apartments also wanted new smartphones and TVs.When in the spring of 2021. popyt na samochody zaczął się odradzać, ich producenci dowiedzieli się, że ze swoimi potrzebami stoją na końcu kolejki po chipy.

A car without electronics is a dummy

Bez elektroniki produkcja traci na wartości

Rezultat jest taki, że produkcja samochodów w samych tylko Stanach Zjednoczonych zmalała w pierwszym pandemicznym roku z 17 do 14,6 mln aut.In 2021.It will increase there to 15 million, but the discernment of demand shows that it could increase by half more.It will not increase, because car sellers are collapsed with cars who lack key controls of engines, driving and safety.Factory employees are dismissed for their lack of work for them.

By the way, the value of the electronics mounted in cars is already high and will continue to increase. Według firmy konsultingowej Deloitte za mniej więcej dekadę nowy samochód w ponad połowie swojej wartości stanie się produktem elektronicznym.

Numerals in export

The share of electronics (ICT services and services) in the total export and import of individual countries and regions is also increasing.According to data from the United Nations Conference DS.Trade and development (UNCTAD) the value of electronics in global exports in 2020.Nearly $ 2.4 trillion, increasing compared to the previous year by 4 points.percent., do poziomu 15percent. Udział ten najwyższy jest w przypadku krajów Azji Wschodniej i Południowo-Wschodniej, gdzie sięga on już 30percent.

Manufacturers of not only cars, but also other products, M have problems with the lack of chips.in. smartfonów i sprzętu do gier.Their production decreased in the world in the third quarter of 2021. o ponad 6percent. Wytwórca konsoli Nintendo musiał ograniczyć produkcję najnowszych wersji swoich urządzeń o 20percent.And at the beginning of the season of their sale traditionally falling at the end of each year.Apple has reduced the production of the latest tablets by half, and the chips released in this way moved to the production of the latest version of the iPhone.

Production increases

For the growing demand for semiconductors, their production is already growing strongly.According to the Semiconductor Industry Association, the global sales of integrated circuits increased in 2020. o 6,5percent.Despite the decrease in orders from the automotive industry.This production grows even faster in 2021. W III kwartale, według tego samego źródła, jej produkcja osiągnęła wartość 144,8 mld dolarów, o 7,4percent. wyższą niż w II kwartale bieżącego roku i aż o 27,6percent.higher than at the same time 2020.

However, this is still not enough to satisfy the huge demand.Especially since such a large manufacturer of equipment M.in. telefonii bezprzewodowej, jakim jest chiński Huawej, od wielu już miesięcy gromadzi chipy na zapas w obawie, że ich dostawa do Chin może stać się przedmiotem nowej odsłony wojny handlowej z USA.Hence, many in the world of announcements about the planned construction sites of new chip factories, although these are very expensive and long -lasting investments due to the huge requirements for the purity of air, water and all other components of production and its surroundings.

There will be new factories

This year, many declarations have already been made on this subject.According to the information collected by IEEE Spectrum, the largest organization in the world grouping specialists in the field of advanced technologies, over 40 electronic companies in the world plan to expand from next year its production capacity in this field.

Z największych - koreański Samsung chce w 2022 r. rozpocząć budowę fabryki chipów, która ma powstać kosztem 17 mld dolarów.Taiwanese manufacturer TSMC will spend $ 28 billion for the same purpose.Entries also come from American companies that previously limited their own production of integrated circuits, focusing on more profitable elements, e.g..on research and design. Intel zapowiedział, że wybuduje w Arizonie dwie fabryki półprzewodników kosztem 20 mld dol. Najnowsza, zaledwie sprzed kilkunastu dni, jest deklaracja Texas Instrument, która dotyczy budowy w najbliższych czterech latach aż czterech nowych fabryk chipów za 30 mld dolarów.

American industry is supported by an American taxpayer.In June 2021.The US Senate adopted the purpose of a record -breaking US subsidy in the economic history of $ 250 billion - for the production of semiconductors, including as much as $ 54 billion for basic and developmental research in the field of creating new integrated circuits.

Despite all these announcements, in global production and supply of integrated circuits and other electronic components there will still be numerous "bottlenecks".Specialized consulting companies, M.in.Garter.They expect that the lack of chips can be a brake in the development of the global economy by the end of 2022.and even until 2023.Research companies, M.in.Forrester, which is referred to by the information platform in this field of Techrepublic.

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