
Microsoft shows how to bypass the requirements of TPM 2.0 and processor for Windows 11

Microsoft shows how to bypass the requirements of TPM 2.0 and processor for Windows 11

A lot has already been written about Windows 11 requirements.It was they who caused the system to the greatest criticism, as they are unable to meet more than half of the company PCs, and with home appliances it is probably not much better.Microsoft's restrictive guarding of these requirements, including virtual machines, also causes reluctance.To our surprise, the giant himself gives the way to bypass two of the most difficult requirements to meet.

Older computers are the most difficult to meet two requirements: the processor and the TPM 2.0 module.This means that the automatic update is not possible and the manual installation of Windows 11 is associated with the risk of errors and lack of further updates.There are different ways of exit from this situation.Advanced users have already found ways to bypass the requirements on their own, i.e. cheating on Windows that the components he required is present.Now, to a lot of surprise, Microsoft himself gives a way to install Windows 11 without TPM 2.0 and the appropriate generation processor.

Firma Microsoft zaleca, aby nie instalować systemu Windows 11 na urządzeniu, które nie spełnia minimalnych wymagań systemowych Windows 11. Jeśli zdecydujesz się zainstalować system Windows 11 na urządzeniu, które nie spełnia tych wymagań, i potwierdzasz i rozumiesz zagrożenia, możesz utworzyć następujące wartości klucza rejestru i pominąć sprawdzanie pod kątem modułu TPM 2.0 (wymagany jest co najmniej moduł TPM 1.2) oraz rodziny i modelu procesora CPU.Klucz rejestru: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Setup\MoSetupNazwa: AllowUpgradesWithUnsupportedTPMOrCPUTyp: REG_DWORDWartość: 1Uwaga: w przypadku nieprawidłowej modyfikacji rejestru przy użyciu Edytora rejestru lub innej metody mogą wystąpić poważne problemy. Te problemy mogą wymagać ponownego zainstalowania systemu operacyjnego. Firma Microsoft nie może zagwarantować, że te problemy można rozwiązać. Zmodyfikuj rejestr na własne ryzyko.

Has Microsoft got scared that eleven with such requirements would not get users?Were very restrictive requirements (although partly justified) only a play for the public?Or maybe all this was planned in advance?Regardless of the motives, the truth is that one simple trick in the registry editor is enough, so that you don't have to do anything about the requirements of Windows 11. Or vice versa - so that Windows Update does not pay attention to the "unprofitable" TPM and the processor.Finally, the name of the registry value refers to this.

Microsoft sam pokazuje, jak ominąć wymagania TPM 2.0 i procesora dla Windows 11

As you can see from the quoted text, Microsoft has retained such a formula that it does not have a form of a strictly guide and to renounce responsibility for not recommended activities in the register.We are pleased, however, that he even referred to this controversy and showed the users that they still have a choice.

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