
Smartphone tax wants no one but the government and artists - the battle for a reprographic fee continues

Smartphone tax wants no one but the government and artists - the battle for a reprographic fee continues

Although it seemed that over the past few weeks the case has died down, unexpectedly a reprographic fee, called "smartphone tax" returns to the stage.There are many indications that the rulers and ZAiKS are determined to implement it.The problem is that society is definitely against this solution - is this enough to stop the inevitable price increases?

The plans to expand the reprographic fee to smartphones, televisions, laptops or tablets have been talked about for at least a few months - it is said that additional tax would be up to 6% on the value of the device, which could mean that the flagship smartphone for PLN 4,000 would have to concentrateOk.PLN 250, although the rulers assure us that we will not feel the effects of this fee, because electronic devices in our country are more expensive than in Germany.

However absurd, this is not a statement, so the desire to tax electronics in the time of pandemic is still valid.Public opinion has its opinion on this subject, as shown by the latest survey conducted by the Social Changes studio.

„Podatek od smartfonów" uderzy w najbiedniejszych.Everyone except the government and ZAiKS know this


Podatku od smartfonów nie chce nikt poza rządem i artystami – batalia o opłatę reprograficzną trwa

From a study conducted at the turn of January and February this year.it follows that as many as three quarters of respondents oppose the new reprographic fee, which is to be added to electronics and intended for artists.The survey also shows that almost 9 out of 10 Poles recognize such a fee as an additional tax, and more than half of the respondents believe that the state should reduce the taxation of electronics during Pandemic.

The study also shows that 1/4 of respondents had to invest in electronics in recent months (in connection with remote work or education at home), and at the same time a new tax will limit these purchases.54%of Poles declare that after entering the fee they will buy equipment less often (24%) or much less often (30%).The negative effects of the fee will be the most sensitive to the elderly (33%), which are already exposed to digital exclusion today.

Zbigniew Hołdys argues that the "smartphone tax" tax ".It is a pity that this is a festival of strange arguments

As Cezary Kaźmierczak, president of the Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers, rightly notes, the introduction of a reprographic fee will have the opposite effect.In his opinion, the effects of tax on smartphones will be the most sensitive to families, seniors and people living in the countryside."This will not hit the presidents of banks, but will hit the election base of the ruling party.What's more, the beneficiaries of this tax will be wealthy or very wealthy people."

Another anti -crisis shield for artists?


Why are artists referred to as wealthy people?As Michał Kanownik, i.e. the president of the Digital Poland Association, reminds, the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage is proud of the fact that the government has allocated a record PLN 6 billion to support for culture for culture, which is much more than to help other industries that lose their pandemic.

Andrzej Przybyło, the president of the AB company, i.e. one of the largest electronics distributors for Central and Eastern Europe, does not leave a dry thread idea, which has contracts in his portfolio in his portfolio.in.with Lenovo, Motorola, HTC or Samsung: "The study brings two key information: firstly.Smartphone tax means increases in electronics.There's no other way. Dziś elektronika jest w Polsce najtańsza, tak wynika z danych Eurostatu, ale po wprowadzeniu podatku będzie najdroższa" – twierdzi.

Government reaction?So far there is no and it worries

photo.Photography BYK, Fotolia

How will the government react to it?For now, he does not seem to notice the appeals of various social groups and enterprises, but the stubbornness associated with the introduction of this tax is really puzzling.It seems that the lobby of artists is consistently going on and tries to exert constant pressure to increase their earnings.

However, the questions remain valid:

So many questions, so few answers ...

Source: PAP

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