
The APKPure store has been infected with a Trojan.Huawei users from HMS - this may be your problem

The APKPure store has been infected with a Trojan.Huawei users from HMS - this may be your problem

The APKPure store is one of the most popular, alternative to Google Play catalogs with Android APplications.He was generally considered safe.Until now - a dangerous Trojan has been detected in his own APplication.

APKPure is one of the largest APplication stores, which is an alternative to the Play store.It was installed by, among others, desperate users of Huawei phone calls with HMS software, but without Google Mobile Services (GMS), encouraged to do so by suggestions from the Huawei Petal search engine.Although in recent years APKPure has had a fairly good opinion as a safe source of APplication, now this good run has ended.

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Kaspersky Lab detected Trojan in APKPure

Specialists from Kaspersky Lab took APKPure under the magnifying glass.And what turned out?If the APplications available in this catalog turned out to be clean, it is your own APKPure APplication - no.In a dangerous version, marked with number 3.17.18, the APplication creators have implemented an advertising module from an unverified source.The so -called.Trojan Dropper called Heur: Trojan-Dropper.Androidos.Triad.AP.Trojan Dropper is a program that does not have to be harmful in itself, but has the ability to download and install another malware that is already able to cause serious damage.

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Sklep APKPure został zainfekowany trojanem. Użytkownicy Huawei z HMS – to może być wasz problem

Experts from Kaspersky Lab warn that components installed by Dropper can carry out various activities, harmful to the user, including displaying unwanted ads on the lock screen, open dangerous websites, collect confidential user data, and install another malicious soft.

The hazard scenario varies depending on the version of Android. Jeżeli użytkownik ma smartfon z relatywnie nową wersją systemu, czyli z Androidem 8 lub późniejszym, i nie ma odblokowanego roota, narażony jest na dodatkowe moduły trojana Triad.For example, they can buy paid subscriptions to the user's account or download subsequent modules.Holders of older models, for example with Android 6 or 7, without new security updates, can be attacked by Trojan Xhelper, which is one of the greatest threats in the world of Android.This malicious soft is able to survive even a factory reset, which is a procedure that deems the memory and a smartphone settings.If Xhelper obtains root rights, the possibilities of his actions are practically unlimited.

Specialists from Kaspersky Lab on April 8 informed APKPure about their discovery.APKPure Users version 3.17.18 zachęcani są już do pobrania najnowszej wersji APlikacji 3.17.19, which is deprived of this serious safety hole.Kaspersky's analysts have already confirmed that this release is safe.

See: Malware Xhelper worked out.We know how the "Factory Reset" Androidazobacz survived: Xhelper, malware for Android, he attacks even after the factory reset.Already 45 thousand.the devices were his victim

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Source of photos: Kaspersky Lab

Source of text: Kaspersky Lab

Tagi:trojanAPkpuretriadatrojan dropper

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