
Have you updated the iPhone and have problems with CarPlay?Here's how to fix them!

Have you updated the iPhone and have problems with CarPlay?Here's how to fix them!

Ostatnia aktualizacja iOS 15 skutkowała denerwującą awarią CarPlay, co zdenerowwało kierowców korzystających z iPhone’a. Wielu z nich doświadczało awarii i zawieszeń, które pojawiły się po zainstalowaniu aktualizacji. Niektórzy z nich ujawnili jak poradzili sobie z problemem jeszcze zanim producent wyda poprawkę.Zaktualizowałeś iPhone'a i masz problemy z CarPlay? Oto jak je naprawić!

What is the source of problems with CarPlay?

Unfortunately, nobody knows exactly what is happening, so CarPlay users have no other choice but to wait until the manufacturer is tempted.The failure that occurs when trying to listen to music, which was recently reported, applies to both Spotify and Apple Music.Appears exactly when the user presses the playback on the music playback interface.

CarPlay then turns into a black screen.Sometimes it returns to the main screen again, but without the option of playing music.In other cases, the interface simply hangs, which requires a re -connection of the iPhone.

In addition, drivers reported failures after the connection made in CarPlay.After its completion, the application hangs and returns to the main screen.

Here's how you can solve problems with CarPlay on iOS 15

Some drivers who encountered problems after updating the system came across a number of solutions that sometimes have effect.If you are lucky, they will temporarily fix them until a correction appears from the manufacturer.

The first thing to try is a full reset of network settings.However, it sounds strange, it solves some problems.It is worth remembering that the reset of network settings means the need to re-enable and provide password in the Wi-Fi network.How to do it?

Open the setting screen on the iPhone, go to the general section, select Transfer or reset the iPhone, and then go to the Reset IPhone menu and click reset the network settings.The process will take you only a few seconds, so you will quickly check if it solved CarPlay problems.

If you are struggling with a failure that occurs while trying to listen to music, just try to turn off the EQ settings on the iPhone.If this option is already turned off, try to turn on and turn on again.During this time, the iPhone should not be connected to the car.

Those who are not lucky and the above solutions do not bring anything new, they always have the option to restore CarPlay, using the earlier version of the operating system.Apple has not made any statement about all these problems. Istnieje szansa, że ​​nadchodzące aktualizacje przywrócą wszystko do normy.

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