
Lists of atheists 3.0 opium for the people

Lists of atheists 3.0 opium for the people

He turned the uncle to a stick with a stick.

The above summary could be fitted to many elements of our present day.For example:

• to replace the patronage of Moscow's patronage of Washington.• To replace the only right ideology of real socialism.

In the following text, however, I will focus on the new "opium for the masses".

Karol Marx in the introduction to "A contribution to the criticism of the Heglian philosophy of law (1843)", which he never graduated, he wrote "religious misery is at the same time an expression of real misery and a protest against real poverty.Religion is a sigh of a oppressed creature, the heart of the insensitive world, is the soul of soulless relations.Religion is the opium of the people.".

According to.Marx Faith is therefore the enchantment of reality by people who need anesthesia for the hardships of life and promises of false happiness.Churches with their clergy and doctrines feed on this, promising e -eschatological eternal happiness to everyone, regardless of origin and property, provided that they will meets Dogmy and applicable social norms, sanctified by the canons of faith sanctified by the canons.This is used by the elites entwined with churches for whom the organized religion is a helpful tools in maintaining subjects in obedience.

Fakt, że co najmniej 5 miliardów ludzkiej populacji planety przyznaje się do jakiejś religii, i że te miliardy skupione są głównie w regionach nonsensownie zwanych „rozwijającymi się" wydaje się tą marksowską maksymę potwierdzać.

In rich Western countries, however, religion, both in the sense of personal and organized faith, has been in reverse for at least 70 years.Capitalism assisted by colonialism and neo-colonialism, which exported extreme exploitation to distant parts of the world, provided all social layers with satisfaction of basic life needs, which should free people from the need to look for a spiritual drug anesthetic, pain and suffering.What's more, the class barriers weakened, the moral revolution laid an end to the most drastic manifestations of gender inequalities, and democracy provides, at least theoretically, influence on governments and law.All this should allow people to develop a fully independent, secular and enlightened identity, free from alienation, to meet and achieve life satisfaction.

Listy ateistów 3.0 Opium dla ludu

Tak się jednak nie stało, „Weltschmerz" nie tylko nie umarł, ale nawet się powiększył. U przytłaczającej większości „Zapadników" „śmierć boga" i uwiąd religii zostawiły po sobie pustkę i alienację.However, nature hates a vacuum, so it was filled with helpful marketing specialists, who have been convincingly suggesting to the masses of what to eat, drink and buy to achieve fulfillment and happiness. Kult „świętych" został zastąpiony przez kult celebrytów, a telewizja, Internet i ajfony można by na upartego podciągnąć pod nową wersją weneracji świętych obrazów.Colorful ads tempt with pictures of a consumer secular paradise here and now, in which everyone is young, beautiful, healthy, rich and satisfied.Just buy what they suggest to be in it.For a short moment, because the consumer haj is fleeting and you have to chase it again.The search for the purpose of life and fulfillment is used to drive the consumer perpetual mobile - an incentive to pursuit of still higher income needed to achieve an increasingly higher level of consumption, or to plunge into increasing debts, all to achieve immediate short -term satisfaction. Konsumeryzm (konsumpcjonizm?) stał się więc na Zachodzie nowym „opium dla mas".

Marx, proclaiming his discredited belief that communism would create a fulfilled, religion and superstition of man, postulated that religion is an aberration that can be easily got rid of. Jak dowodzi jednakzamiana religijnego kijka na konsumerystyczną siekierkę, przytłaczająca większość gatunku wydaje się zaprogramowana do szukania szczęścia i zaspokojenia poza podstawowymi potrzebami życiowymi, do ciągłego gonienia za „czymś więcej", co u większości prowadzi do narkotyzowania się fatamorganami religii czy ideologii, albo konsumpcji, albo jakiejś ich mieszanki.It is difficult to say to what extent such an unsatisfied pursuit serves humanity, and in what harm it harms.The argument that it is necessary for technological and social progress could be counted by the statement that innate human curiosity and inquisitiveness would probably serve better and the genre and biosfer.

Where are Poles and Poland in all this?Historically, poverty, persecution and political alienation can some extent explain persistent devotional religion, as Marx postulates.Nowadays, spreading consumerism can explain the progressive (though slowly) secularization.Only that Poland seems to have a unique talent for missing historical trends.Unlike Western Europe, it missed (in the form of the Polish -Lithuanian I) trend to absolutism, and at least to strengthen the executive, necessary for the construction of modern state institutions, missed (under the partitions) her own industrial revolution and the construction of civil society with democracy, missed (as the PRL) Western triumph of democracy, an economic bull market and a moral revolution after World War II, and finally began to convert a religious stick into a hatch of consumerism and representative democracy in their decline.


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