
My ways to save battery in the iPhone - how to extend working time?

My ways to save battery in the iPhone - how to extend working time?

Turn on the energy saving mode

Yes, I know, obvious, but let's keep it out of our heads.Some iPhone users are not even aware of the existence of this function, so if they came to this article (Hello), then at the beginning I pay your attention to this function.You will find it in the control center (extended from the bottom in models for iPhone 8 and extended from the upper right corner on the iPhone X and newer) - all you have to do is tap on the battery icon.If it is not there, the right position is also in the settings in the battery section.

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Turn off the background refreshment for selected applications

Refresh in the background is a lot of various processes that happen in the background when we do not use a given application.Regardless of whether there are several or several dozen of them on your device, it is always worth turning off such activities in the background for those that are not necessary for you.The decision on which activity in the background you will limit depends on you, I did with the applications of restaurant, VOD services, magazines.Turning off the background refreshment does not affect the action of notifications. Sekcję Odświeżanie w tle znajdziecie w Ustawienia->Ogólne.

Disable notifications for selected applications

A very simple and extremely effective method.Continuous synchronization and sending of notifications by applications to a large extent affect the energy drop, so leave them on only for those applications in which you actually need.Nothing prevents you from configuring notifications even more accurately, for example, so that they are delivered quietly (without sound and without banners) and wait for us when we reach for the phone. Wszystkie te opcje dla poszczególnych programów znajdziecie w Ustawienia->Powiadomienia.

Disable vibrations

Moje sposoby na oszczędzanie baterii w iPhonie - jak przedłużyć czas pracy?

If you work or stay in an environment where you can easily hear the sound of notification, then vibrations will not be needed to inform you about anything.Leave them active in quiet mode. Pozycję Wibruj w trybie dzwonka znajdziecie w Ustawienia->Dźwięki i haptyka.

Czytaj dalej poniżej

Reduce animations in iOS

It's rather a trifle, but who knows, maybe it will allow you to save some energy. W Ustawienia->Dostępność->Redukuj ruch możecie zmniejszyć liczbę animacji, przez co system będzie w mniejszym stopniu obciążał podzespoły i nie będzie korzystał z np.accelerometer to be able to change the location of the wallpaper in the background.Thanks to this activity, the efficiency of an older iPhone can also increase (very slightly).

Turn off the data transfer through the mobile network

Smartphones without access to the network can be hardly helpful (although the camera and convenient SMS writing are strong advantages), but it is connectivity with IneTnet that makes the iPhone the energy resources end so quickly.If you can afford it, give a rest to the smartphone from continuous data synchronization and constant search for the best connection with the base stations. Wyłączenie transferu danych możliwe jest w Centrum sterowania oraz w Ustawienia->Sieć komórkowa->Dane sieci kom.

How to charge the iPhone faster?

When charging the battery in the iPhone, also from Powerbanka, you can activate the airplane mode - in this way the phone will need less energy for current processes, and the battery charge should even increase slightly faster faster.

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