
Google assistant gets settings covering the Android lock screen

Google assistant gets settings covering the Android lock screen

AplikacjeUdostępnij TweetnijAsystent Google dostaje ustawienia obejmujące ekran blokady Androida

Google's assistant got new settings.They include the Android lock screen.New options for the assistant appear with Google update for release 12.24.

Marcelina Poznańska631 odsłon 0 komentarzyAndroid, asystent, Asystent Google, ekran blokady, Google, ustawienia

Google assistant is available from the Android lock screen.Now dedicated options from this area appear in the settings section.Earlier it was available in the place of personalization, which has been going on for a long time.The company apparently came to the conclusion that it was time for some changes in this regard.

The first launch of the new section displays the welcome screen with a description of using the assistant without unlocking the phone.Below screenshots presenting new.You can see two switches.The first is used to launch the function on the blocked screen.The second possibility of getting personalized answers there.

The assistant gets new lock screen settings in Google 12.24

The new section in the settings related to the lock screen begins to be implemented from the Google application with number 12.24.In this case, it is already a wider rollout, because more and more people can see new.However, such a section was visible in the few users earlier.It was probably a limited pilot program then.

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