
Chrome on steroids.Another portion of hidden functions that improve the browser [part2]

Chrome on steroids.Another portion of hidden functions that improve the browser [part2]

Some time ago I described 5 of my favorite hidden Chrome functions.The text was very popular, so I decided to prepare another list of solutions that I had not mentioned before.

Muszę zaznaczyć, że eksperymentalne funkcje dostępne z poziomu zakładki chrome://flags są — no właśnie — eksperymentalne.Google does not guarantee that everyone will work properly, but in my case there were no major mistakes.

1.Chrome with faster downloads

You can download a lot of so -called.download accelerators.These are applications that can divide files into downloaded parts simultaneously, thus using the link in a more effective way.

Chrome has a built -in test download accelerator.To turn it on:

  1. wpisz na pasku adresu: "chrome://flags";
  2. odnajdź funkcję "Parallel downloading";
  3. z rozwijanego menu wybierz "Enebled";
  4. uruchom przeglądarkę ponownie.

My tests show that parallel downloading does not work for all sources of file (which is logical, because it all depends on the server's performance), but sometimes it works.Under favorable conditions, I was able to shorten the time you download the same file from 54 to 36 seconds.

2.Chrome with a common storage of the smartphone and computer

A common storage is something that many Android users have been jealous of their colleagues using the Apple ecosystem for years.Thanks to this solution, the text copied on the iPhone is immediately ready to paste on Mac (and vice versa).

Chrome na sterydach. Kolejna porcja ukrytych funkcji, które poprawiają przeglądarkę [cz. 2]

Chrome allows you to use a similar solution.To turn on the common storage:

  1. wpisz na pasku adresu na telefonie i komputerze: "chrome://flags";
  2. odnajdź funkcję "Enable shared clipboard feature signals to be handled";
  3. z rozwijanego menu wybierz "Enebled";
  4. uruchom przeglądarkę ponownie.

After switching on the function on the computer and the phone, it is possible to share a system clipboard.Just select some text, select "Share" and then "Send the text to your device".After selecting a specific device, the copied text will immediately land in the storage compartment.

3.Chrome with an alternative sharing menu

From the sharing menu level, you can conveniently send a link to another application or specific contact.If such options are insufficient for someone, Google has something more extensive.

After enabling the alternative sharing menu, you can send a link directly to another Chrome device or even generate the QR code.To activate them:

  1. wpisz na pasku adresu: "chrome://flags";
  2. odnajdź funkcję "Chrome Sharing Hub";
  3. z rozwijanego menu wybierz "Enebled";
  4. uruchom przeglądarkę ponownie.

In my case, everything works except for generating QR codes.However, as I mentioned, these are experimental solutions, so such things can happen.

4.Chrome with displaying pages in a simplified view

A simplified view, also called reading mode, is responsible for changing the appearance of articles in such a way that there is nothing left on them except the text and graphics.

Podobne rozwiązanie — choć ukryte — zaimplementowano w Chromie na Androida.To turn them on:

  1. wpisz na pasku adresu: "chrome://flags";
  2. odnajdź funkcję "Reader Mode triggering";
  3. z rozwijanego menu wybierz "With article structure markup";
  4. uruchom przeglądarkę ponownie.

Now, after entering some article at the bottom, the "Show Simplified View" button should appear.This is not a solution that I use personally, because I prefer the default view of websites in dark mode, but I know that they have many supporters.

Chrome with faster network browsing

Google has been developing an original QUIC protocol since 2012, which has a chance to speed up the operation of websites.Without going into technical details, it is about numerous improvements in communication with servers.

Chrome allows you to switch to the Quic protocol now.To do this:

  1. wpisz na pasku adresu: "chrome://flags";
  2. odnajdź funkcję "Experimental QUIC protocol";
  3. z rozwijanego menu wybierz "Enebled";
  4. uruchom przeglądarkę ponownie.

The differences should be particularly noticeable in the case of slower internet connections.

If you know other noteworthy experimental solutions, share them in the comments.

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