
How to use Google's new car mode to replace Android Auto for phones?

How to use Google's new car mode to replace Android Auto for phones?

The Mountain View-based search giant is killing this app, but that doesn't necessarily leave users without driving mode on their phones.

No, not at all, because Google already has more ambitious long-term plans.

So the company is replacing Android Auto for phones with a brand new driving mode that was originally bundled with Google Maps and powered by the Google Assistant.

Jeśli wcześniej korzystałeś z Android Auto dla telefonów, po włączeniu nowego trybu samochodowego na pewno poczujesz się jak w domu.To dlatego, że jego interfejs jest bardzo podobny do aplikacji, która dostaje kilof, a pod koniec dnia jest to dobra rzecz, ponieważ sprawia, że ​​przejście do nowego trybu jest bardziej widoczne dla wszystkich.

But on the other hand, there are many things you need to know about driving mode, and among them is support for voice commands that allow you to interact with the app hands-free while driving.

How to enable car mode?

With a new driving mode fully powered by the Google Assistant, it's pretty clear that Google is betting on voice commands this time around, and it's no surprise that you can simply enable the enhanced in-car experience by talking to the digital assistant.

Jak korzystać z nowego trybu samochodowego Google, aby zastąpić Android Auto dla telefonów?

just say "Hey Google, let's go. The Google Assistant should then automatically enable Car Mode on your mobile device.

It has recently been discovered that Google is working on several alternatives to this method, including support for Bluetooth-powered AutoPlay.

In other words, car mode can only be activated when your phone connects via Bluetooth to the speakers in your car, so it knows you're about to leave for a new ride.

Basic voice commands

That said, Driving Mode was originally developed with Google Maps in mind, so it's extremely easy to set up the app to give you directions to your new destination. Just say "Hey Google, go to [destination]" and you should see Google Maps working and getting directions to specified destination.

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But Car Mode isn't just about navigation, and since it's meant to replace Android Auto for phones, it does pretty much the same thing, all backed by voice commands.

If you want to listen to music, just ask the Google Assistant "Hey Google, play [artist]IP and you should see your favorite audio app launch and start playing tunes. Alternatively, you can also directly name the app you want to use with a command like "Hey Google, play Coldplay on Spotify."

Phone calls and texting are an essential part of driving mode, and interacting with it hands-free is critical for drivers.

To make a call, all you want to say is: Hi Google, call [contact name]. "When someone calls you, the Google Assistant should automatically turn on, pause the music, and notify you that there is a "call from [contact name] and ask if you want an answer. Just say "yes," and you're fine.

If you want to send someone a new message, you can use this command: "Ok Google, send a message to [contact name]. The Google Assistant should then search for the contact and ask you to dictate the message you want to send.

The overall experience is as simple as it gets, and there's no doubt that Google will improve it in upcoming updates, especially as Driving Mode reaches general availability, possibly later this year.

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